About Us

DJC Health, has built a reputation for delivering professional, thorough and expert occupational hygiene services throughout the West Sussex area. Our clients are mainly based within a 30-mile radius of Horsham, but can offer services further afield if necessary.


At DJC Health there is an in-depth understanding of the short and long-term effects on health that can arise from exposure to hazards in the workplace. The service provided enables businesses and organisations to manage these, as well as responding effectively to legislative requirements on risk management and control of hazards.


DJC Health has extensive experience of working with the pharmaceutical industry to the requirements set out by legislation on Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and Current Good Manufacturing Processes (cGMP). More recently, we have expanded our offering to deliver services to smaller healthcare enterprise, giving us an ever-increasing knowledge and skill-set within the wider health arena.


DJC Health experience is supported by extensive qualifications and accreditation, including the following:

MSc in Occupational Hygiene

Membership of the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS)

BOHS Certificate of Operational Competence in Occupational Hygiene

Holder of the BOHS P901 proficiency module: Legionella – management and control of hot and cold water systems.

Holder of the BOHS P601 proficiency module: commissioning and thorough examination and testing of local exhaust ventilation systems.

DJC Health is committed to maintaining the highest professional standards and is consistently engaged in formal learning to further its expertise. We also liaise regularly and appropriately with regulatory bodies, such as the Health and Safety Executive.



The main focus is on providing training materials, instruction and information, which you can purchase on this website. DJC Health also delivers training presentations, which are offered in conjunction with site inspection visits or walk-through surveys.

It is possible to tailor the training to suit your requirements, so don’t hesitate to get in touch to find out how DJC Health can support your business.


About occupational hygiene

Occupational hygiene is the anticipation recognition, evaluation and control of factors in the workplace that can give rise to ill-health, discomfort and impairment of well-being in the workplace. The prevention of ill health is a vital consideration for any workplace. A healthy workforce means a healthy business. Like occupational hygienists around the world, DJC Health care about workplaces being assessed and controlled to minimise exposure to hazards and reduce risks for workers, customers and visitors.

The hazards found in workplaces vary, but can include the following:

  • Chemical hazards in the form of dusts, fumes, vapours and gases
  • Physical hazards, such as heat, light, noise, vibration and radiation
  • Biological hazards, such as bacteria, moulds and viruses.

In the UK great strides have been made in improving occupational hygiene in workplaces, which has led to improvements in employee health, the elimination of some risks, and a reduction in others. However, by their very nature, most workplaces will continue to expose their workers to health hazards in some way so the risks will always need to be properly assessed and managed.

This is where DJC Health comes to the fore – with expert advice and support that will help ensure your workforce is as healthy as it can be.


Asbestos is the single greatest cause of work-related deaths in the UK and is a hidden danger in many workplaces. This means it’s absolutely vital that those who may be exposed to asbestos at work know what to do to protect themselves and others around them.

Advice on managing the asbestos risks, auditing and how to maintain an asbestos register within your workplace can be given. However we would refer you to BSEN ISO 17025 accredited BOHS P402 specialists to conduct actual surveys and to HSE licensed contractors for asbestos removals.

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) is part of the hierarchy of control measures under COSHH for controlling workers’ exposure to contamination in the air. However, it is not always as effective as it could be, perhaps because of shortcomings in the system design, or poor maintenance of existing systems. DJC Health can provide advice and support on choosing and managing your LEV management, to ensure the greatest levels of safety for your workforce.
Outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease hit the headlines from time to time. It’s vital that you minimise the risk of your workers inhaling airborne water droplets containing viable Legionella bacteria, which means special attention must be paid to areas such as hot and cold water outlets, atomisers, wet air conditioning plants and so on. DJC Health can offer you auditing on managing the Legionella risks in your workplace. However we would refer you to water control specialists to provide comprehensive maintenance of water systems.

Today’s workplaces expose workers to a range of hazards, including the following:

  • Exposure to hazardous substances
  • Inadequate or incorrect local exhaust ventilation or personal protective equipment
  • Thermal stress and discomfort
  • Workplace lighting
  • Noise
  • Microwave leakage.

DJC Health will be providing a workplace monitoring service in the near future. This can help you stay on top of reporting the hazards and risks to you, and will help you select the right course of action.

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